5 Tips for Dealing with Baby Eczema

by Meghan

6/22/20233 min read

Babies often have skin issues as they grow. From scalp to diaper rash, their delicate skin battle the harsh nature of their new world. Our little Ravi has been diagnosed with eczema, which is a severe dry skin condition that affects babies. Here's what we've learned about how to deal with it.....

a woman holding a baby foot with eczema
a woman holding a baby foot with eczema

What has worked for you and your family? We could use all the tips over here! It can be stressful dealing with an uncomfortable baby but these five things have helped us tremendously.

For more info on Eczema, click here.


The Bundor Family

a tube of hydrocorrisone cream
a tube of hydrocorrisone cream
three container of vaseline
three container of vaseline
a person spraying water on a spray bottle
a person spraying water on a spray bottle
a bottle of baby dove bodywash
a bottle of baby dove bodywash
a baby in a tub tub with a person holding
a baby in a tub tub with a person holding

Babies often have skin issues because their skin hasn't developed that same protective layer that adults have on their skin. As a parent, you'll deal with a lot of rashes and cuts and mysterious bumps. We knew something wasn't right with Ravi when his skin issues weren't going away and seemed to be getting worse. We immediately went to the pediatrician and these are the things they recommended and the products that we think have really helped.

  1. Hydrocortisone Cream (prescription strength)- This cream works miracles but you have to get a prescription for it. We use it when he's having really bad flare-ups but try to use it sparingly. It is the best line of defense against baby eczema! We put it on twice a day with a little extra before bedtime. This is the exact cream we use!

  1. Keep Bath's Short and Less Frequent- We were definitely overbathing our son. We made bath time part of the wind down routine, which is great for some babies.... but not babies with eczema. They should be bathed every 2-3 days and the baths should be kept to 5 minutes or less. After babies are done, pat them dry with towel (no rubbing!) and then start their skincare routine.

  1. Vaseline- It's tried and true and recommended by our pediatrician. Your baby should be slick from head to toe after his bath. We also like the Tubby Todd cream and use that a lot. Don't go for fancy eczema creams. We found that they don't really work and Vaseline is best.

  1. Spray down their onesies with water before bedtime- This sound insane but it totally works! Ravi's eczema is the worst on his legs so we put him in footie pajamas and spray them down with a spray bottle before bed. Not soaking wet, just so it's damp. We also sometimes spray his sleep sack is he's wearing a short onesie. Our pediatrician recommended this and it's been a game changer.

  1. Baby Dove Sensitive Skin Care Baby Wash - We've tried Aveeno, Cetaphil, CeraVe, and others and nothing has been as smooth as this Dove wash. It irritates his skin the least. It's hypoallergenic and fragrance free. I'm sure Tubby Todd has some great washes too but we haven't tried any yet.